• 12:00 - 2:00pm

    Registration/Exhibits Open

    2:00 - 2:15pm

    General Session - Conference Welcome and Kick Off

    Speaker: Tony Mancini, Executive Vice President, SGC Horizon
    2:15 - 2:45pm

    General Session - Opening Keynote
    Extreme Empowerment: Growing a Business by Growing People

    Gottlieb built Tundraland Home Improvements from a folding table in his garage to nearly $100 million in revenue and more than 400 employees. Gottlieb's credo of empowering people has guided his success, and in this talk, he’ll share expert advice on becoming the best leader you can be. Gottlieb will also reveal the 11 practices of high-performing managers and leaders that will help your business grow.
    Keynote Speaker: Brian Gottlieb, Founder, Tundraland Home Improvements
    3:00 - 3:35pm

    Breakout Session 1

    Home Improvement General Session Track
    How to Optimize Your Marketing Mix for 2024
    Jay Shah is the Director of Marketing at Dreamstyle Remodeling, a full-service remodeler with locations across six states and annual revenue of over $190 million in 2022. Jay's the driving force responsible for generating more than 25,000 leads monthly that yield those impressive sales results. In this talk, Jay will share how home improvement businesses of any size can combat the current difficult lead gen landscape to create a balanced and diversified marketing mix that delivers high-quality leads to your team in 2024 and beyond!
    Speaker: Jay Shah, Director of Marketing, Dreamstyle Remodeling
    Design-Build General Session Track
    Tech Talk: What's happening in technology and why you should care
    While the home improvement industry's tech revolution has dominated the conversation, design build remodelers have had a more quiet, but just as important, revolution of their own. The new tools entering the market (we're looking at you, AI), as well as increased adoption and creative use of existing ones, has changed the way an entire industry operates. This in-depth discussion features remodelers at the top of their tech game. Expect to come away with an insightful overview of trends, as well along with tricks for your own tech stack.
    Moderator: Caroline Broderick, Managing Editor, Pro Remodeler
    Panelists: A.J. Ballantine, Owner, Cornerstone Remodeling
    Wes Crocket, General Manager, Mahogany Builders
    Dave Pollard, Architect, Co-Founder, Liv Companies (LivCo)
    3:40 - 5:40pm

    1:1 Subject Matter Expert Consultation (Pre-booked)

    6:00 - 9:00pm

    Networking Dinner

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  • 7:30 - 8:30am

    Networking Breakfast/Exhibits Open

    8:30 - 8:40am

    General Session - Conference Day 2 Welcome

    Speaker: Tony Mancini, Executive Vice President, SGC Horizon
    8:40 - 9:10am

    General Session - Keynote Speaker
    The Papale Playbook: How to Lead Others to the Next Level

    Vince's energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate style gives listeners glimpses of what it took to go from a season ticket holder for the Philadelphia Eagles to captain of the same team at the age of 30—without ever having played college football. He's the story behind Disney's movie Invincible, and he’s coming back home to Philly to prove that you have invincible traits inside of you, too. But Vince’s journey is more than a football story. It's a story about persevering when people say you can't accomplish something—like reaching a new revenue goal. Vince will share his Leadership Playbook and identify the characteristics that will help you lead others and take your remodeling or home improvement business to new heights. When Vince leaves the stage, you'll feel invincible and ready to tackle any challenge you encounter.
    Keynote Speaker: Vince Papale, “Inspiration for Disney movie Invincible”, Former Philadelphia Eagles Team Captain
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    9:15 - 9:45am

    General Session - Industry Insights
    How To Use Technology to Create a Kick-Ass Customer Experience That Helps You Close More Sales

    Join this panel of tech-forward business leaders for actionable insight on how you can incorporate technology into your marketing and sales processes to create customer experiences your competitors could only dream of doing. You'll walk away from this discussion with tips to help you close more sales by making choosing to work with your company a no-brainer for your prospects.
    Moderator: Erika Mosse, Director of Content, Pro Remodeler
    Panelist: Matt Rodio, Head of Customer Success, Rillavoice
    Logan Shinholser, CEO, Contractor Growth Network
    Jonathan Weinberg, Founder, Builder Prime
    Ryan Kelly, Co-founder, KHB Construction Inc.
    9:55 - 10:25am

    Breakout Session 2

    Home Improvement General Session Track
    Sales Panel: Modern Sales Strategies from Successful Home Improvement Companies Experiencing Explosive Growth
    Leads are softening and the market is uncertain. Companies that adapt the fastest to evolving conditions will grow the most. This panel, featuring several leading home improvement companies, will reveal secrets on best practices in process development, pricing strategies that increase closing rates and job sizes, the most impactful sales software and technology implementation, sales commission structures, and more!
    Moderator: Drew Barto, Director, Home Improvement, Pro Remodeler
    Panelists: Ryan Spar, Chief Operating Officer, NEWPRO Home Solutions
    Jesse Kreisman, Vice President, ALCO Products
    Chris Lavoie, Vice President, Sales Division, Reborn Home Solutions
    Design-Build General Session Track
    Leading with Vulnerability
    When Jef Forward's wife was diagnosed with cancer, he had to change the way he managed his company of 30+ team members. There was simply too much on his plate to continue his traditional leadership style, and so he embarked on a journey to rethink his role. The result was increased revenue and a stronger, more invested team. Here, Forward will share his journey and the unexpected growth it produced.
    Speaker: Jef Forward, President, Forward Design Build Remodel
    10:25 - 10:55am

    Breakout Session 3

    Home Improvement General Session Track
    3 Profit-Producing Sales and Marketing Opportunities to Overcome a Tightening Market
    Gindele has over 38 years of experience as a home improvement business owner accumulating more than $425 million in sales revenue. Today he is one of the industry's most sought-after experts. In this talk, Gindele will reveal how to avoid becoming a lazy marketer by taking advantage of several lucrative lead gen opportunities. Plus, he’ll share processes and pricing strategies that will result in more structure and success for your sales team.
    Speaker: Charlie Gindele, Business Coach, Certified Contractors Network
    Design-Build General Session Track
    Growth Panel: How to Avoid Growing Pains
    Leads have softened post-pandemic, but there's still plenty of business out there. This panel features highly successful remodelers who are not just growing fast, they're growing smart. The lively discussion will focus on what growth means as well as provide actionable advice on scaling your operations; retaining (or increasing) margins; and threats to watch for while expanding your business.
    Moderator: Erika Mosse, Director of Content, Pro Remodeler
    Panelists: Greg Harth, President, Harth Builders
    Jay Cipriani, President, Cipriani Remodeling Solutions
    Mark McClanahan, President, Mosby Building Arts
    Michael Valente, Founder & CEO, Renovation Sells
    11:15 - 11:45am


    Home Improvement Track
    Roundtable 1A - Tips for Increasing Job Size In a Need-based Economy
    While the number of sales has flattened or dropped for home improvement companies, revenue and profits are still rising for many thanks to an increase in average job size. Learn how others are doing it.
    Facilitators: Drew Barto, Director, Home Improvement, Pro Remodeler
    Chad Bartholomew, Business Relationship Manager, Wells Fargo
    Roundtable 1B - How to Grow Revenue Thru Robust Re-Hash Programs
    Are you really getting every dollar you can out of today’s expensive leads? Get insight from your home improvement peers on how to turn leads unsold into gold with a top-notch follow-up process.
    Facilitators: Scott Siegal, Co-Owner, Certified Contractors Network & President, Maggio Roofing
    Jonathan Weinberg, Founder, Builder Prime
    Roundtable 1C - Modern Money-Making Metrics: Critical KPIs for Contractors to Track
    Successful contractors establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure progress in marketing, sales, production, and more. Discuss which KPIs are most critical to your growth.
    Facilitator: John Martindale, Co-Owner, Certified Contractors Network & CEO, Brothers Services
    Design-Build Track
    Roundtable 1A - Cultivating a Culture of Leadership
    Facilitator: Shane Duff, Director of Business Development, Alair Homes
    Roundtable 1B - Opening, Managing, and Winning a Small Projects Division
    Facilitator: Jeremy Riggall, General Manager, Harth Builders
    Roundtable 1C - Becoming Trade Partners' First Choice Contractor
    Facilitator: Tricia Lahti Wiitanen, Owner, Refined Homes
    11:50am - 12:20pm


    Home Improvement Track
    Roundtable 2A - Tips for Increasing Job Size In a Need-based Economy
    While the number of sales has flattened or dropped for home improvement companies, revenue and profits are still rising for many thanks to an increase in average job size. Learn how others are doing it.
    Facilitators: Drew Barto, Director, Home Improvement, Pro Remodeler
    Tucker Worsham, VP, Sales Management, Synchrony
    Roundtable 2B - Traits of High-Performing Home Improvement Salespeople
    How much should they talk? How do they handle objections? Learn and share what the data and sales experts say are behaviors that the most successful salespeople have in common.
    Facilitators: Ryan Spar, Chief Operating Officer, NEWPRO Home Solutions
    Sebastian Jimenez, Co-Founder & CEO, Rillavoice
    Roundtable 2C - A Glimpse Into the Future
    What kind of environment are business owners expecting for 2024? What will the main obstacles be for home improvement companies and how will you overcome them?
    Facilitator: Vince Nardo, Chief Executive Officer of Reborn Cabinets
    Design-Build Track
    Roundtable 2A - Using the Right Marketing Tool for the Right Task
    Ensuring you use the correct tool for the correct task means analyzing your spend and being strategic. This discussion will run through placing appropriate tools at the top, middle, and bottom of your funnels.
    Facilitators: Mike Karlsrud, President, CEO, MA Peterson
    Logan Shinholser, President, Contractor Growth Network
    Roundtable 2B - From Solo to a Sales Team
    You're a savvy sales leader, but your business growth is limited by your capabilities. How can you take your company from a solo salesperson (you, most likely) to developing a department of savvy salespeople?
    Facilitator: Will Giesey, Managing Partner, Bellweather Construction
    Roundtable 2C - Creating Stronger Processes in Production
    Most remodelers find hiccups in the production process. Where do the issues occur? What safety nets can you put in place to ensure no mistakes happen? How can all team members buy into the process?
    Facilitator: Jef Forward, President, Forward Design Build Remodel
    12:20 - 1:30pm

    Luncheon/Exhibits Open

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    1:40 - 2:10pm

    General Session
    What's Happening Out There?

    Mark Richardson is truly embedded in the remodeling industry. With over four decades of experience and a wide range of industry insights, he's in a unique position to understand current and future market conditions. In this entertaining and insightful talk, Richardson will reveal what he is seeing out there and how he is advising the leading Remodeling and Home Improvement Businesses.
    Speaker: Mark Richardson, Remodeling Industry Advisor, Author, and Speaker
    2:25 - 3:00pm

    General Session - Industry Insights
    How Will the Current Economy Affect Consumer Spending on Home Improvements?

    This panel of industry experts will engage in a lively discussion on consumer behavior in today's economy and reveal what they're learning from customer data from contractors across the country. They will also share strategies you can use to generate more revenue out of homeowners who need and want remodeling and home improvement projects right now.
    Moderator: Drew Barto, Director, Home Improvement, Pro Remodeler
    Panelists: Vince Lowe, SVP, General Manager, Home Specialty and Flooring, Synchrony
    Andrew J. Burbank, Senior Relationship Manager, Wells Fargo
    Wade Wynn, Vice President, Sales, GreenSky
    Chris Forshay, Head of Home Improvement, Upgrade
    3:05 - 3:50pm
    Pro Remodeler Expert Series
    Estimating for Greater Profit and Resilience
    For remodelers, the heart of profitability lies in the skill and accuracy of estimating projects. You need a system that ensures you meet your true costs of project execution and overhead, as well as a margin that’s responsive to market conditions. Today's consumer is more sophisticated and demands for transparency are increasing. To answer those challenges, Michael Anschel pioneered a new methodology for estimating that eliminates the shell game and provides clarity and control over your numbers. With 29 years in the industry, and over a decade successfully implementing the COPE method for his company and many others, this is your opportunity to get a look at the tool that will transform your business.
    Speaker: Michael Anschel, President, OA Design+Build
    How To Accelerate the Growth of Your Home Improvement Business
    Charlie Gindele has over 50 years of experience in the home improvement industry, including 38 years as a business owner, accumulating more than $425 million in sales revenue. In this one-hour preview of his Pro Remodeler Expert Series class, Gindele will talk about how to get out of your comfort zone and into your “Danger Zone”...the zone where you take your business leadership, financial literacy, marketing prowess, management skills, sales process, and production skills to the highest levels possible to accelerate the growth of your business. He’ll share what it took for him to finally start achieving accelerated growth after 30 years of ups and downs. You’ll walk away with insight into what you need to stop doing and what you must start doing to accomplish similar results.
    Speaker: Charlie Gindele, Business Coach, Certified Contractors Network
    Remodeling Sales Mastery
    For the beginner, this series is about priming the pump in sales.
    For the journeyman , this course is about teaching you new techniques to increase sales and results.
    For the master it is about taking your sales game to the next level.

    In the first session we will discuss the language of remodeling sales , the most common sales mistakes , 10 things that require 0 talent and more.

    In the second session I will share 5 to 7 of my favorite sales strategies and tactics…Including mastering the power of three, creating a sense of urgency, talking money and closing techniques.

    In our final session we will work on specific word tracks , sales presentation tools and we will do some real world role plays that you will be able to practice on your own.

    In addition to our live sessions and interactions you will have access to many sales mastery recordings on many other tips and techniques to help you take you sales acumen to the next level.
    Speaker: Mark Richardson, Remodeling Industry Advisor, Author, and Speaker
    Embracing Artificial Intelligence (AI): A Game-Changer for the Future of the Remodeling Industry
    With over 20 years of industry experience, David Cockburn is an accomplished leader in the field of digital transformations. In this 45-minute preview of his Pro Remodeler Expert Series class, you’ll learn how professionals in the home improvement and remodeling industries can use AI technologies to gain a competitive edge. David will explore the impact artificial intelligence has on home automation, virtual renovations, and local marketing for remodelers. You’ll discover how AI has the potential to revolutionize the renovation process and why it’s essential to provide homeowners with exceptional experiences. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead of your competitors!
    Speaker: David Cockburn, Head of Growth Strategy, Nimble Thinkers

    1:1 Subject Matter Expert Consultations (pre-booked)


    Networking Outing at the Philadelphia Phillies Game for early registrants

  • 7:30 - 8:30am

    Networking Breakfast/Exhibits Open

    8:30 - 8:40am

    General Session - Conference Day 3 Welcome

    Speaker: Tony Mancini, Executive Vice President, SGC Horizon
    8:45 - 9:15am

    General Session - Data Panel
    Magnifying Glass Meets Crystal Ball

    In the midst of high inflation, rising interest rates, and consumer pullback, it's imperative that you have the right plan for your business. Join us for a discussion with industry-leading trend hunters who will put current market conditions into perspective. How much growth should you forecast? What numbers should you track for market insights? What regions are seeing the most slowdown? Many remodelers are unprepared for the future. How about you?
    Moderator: Grant Farnsworth, President, The Farnsworth Group
    Panelists: Dave King, Executive Director, Home Improvement Research Institute (HIRI)
    Matt Saunders, Vice President, Building Products John Burns Real Estate Consulting
    Carlos Martin, Project Director, Remodeling Futures
    9:30 - 10:00am


    Home Improvement Track
    Roundtable 3A - Top Tech Tools Contractors Can Use to Increase Sales
    What does your sales tech stack look like? Home improvement business owners and sales managers will share the best tech tools they're using to improve sales performance.
    Speakers: Chris Lavoie, Vice President, Sales Division, Reborn Home Solutions
    Chris Forshay, Head of Home Improvement, Upgrade, Inc
    Roundtable 3B - Offers Prospects Can’t Refuse: Marketing Promotions That Drive Sales
    It's easy to slap an offer on an ad and hope that it works, but what’s driving leads and sales today? Learn and share best practices for attracting qualified leads with offers they can’t refuse.
    Speakers: Tara Dawn, Co-Owner, Opal Enterprises Windows & Siding
    Wade Wynn, Vice President, Sales, GreenSky
    Roundtable 3C - The Impact of Your Company Mission, Vision, and Values on Customers
    What are your company mission, vision, and values, and how do you instill them in your employees so that they use them to help build first-class customer experiences that create raving fans who refer you for life? Hear how other contractors are doing this to their benefit.
    Speaker: Gary Cohen, Vice President, Certified Contractors Network
    Roundtable 3D - How Transparency In Marketing Can Help You Crush Competitors
    Younger homeowners don't have time for the same sales and marketing gimmicks that have worked for decades. Discuss how truth and transparency through content marketing and more can help you connect with today's (and tomorrow's) homeowners for future sales success.
    Speaker: Ryan Shutt, CEO, Southwest Exteriors
    Design-Build Track
    Roundtable 3A - Making Design a Profit Center
    Design can be a profit center, not a loss. Are you charging correctly for design? Are your ducks in a row? Michael Anschel leads a discussion on pricing correctly and valuing design to turn it into a profit maker.
    Speaker: Michael Anschel, President, OA Design Build
    Roundtable 3B - Your Money, Your Life: You Can Have Both
    Your business shouldn't be your life, it should be a tool to build your life. Too many Remodelers kill themselves trying to run a company so they can have a great life but, in the process, get off track and lost in too many hours, too little compensation and too little fun and family time. But you can do both.
    Facilitators: David Bryan, Owner, Blackdog Builders
    Travis Pierce, Territory Manager, Wellborn
    Roundtable 3C - Leading Through Change
    Do you know your why? Why do you lead? Why do you run a business? Embodying your culture, mission, and vision will not only help you lead more effectively, but win your team over—and have them lead with their "whys." This discussion tackles what leading successfully with your "why" looks like
    Speaker: Allison Iantosca, Owner, F.H. Perry Builder
    10:00 - 10:45am

    General Session - Closing Keynote
    What Should My Business Do With Its Money

    As a small business leader, it's imperative that you keep enough operating cash on hand, yet also invest in the company as well as your own financial future. So what does that look like in this economy? Here, Alan Rhode will reveal some great financial strategies for small businesses to take in the current environment. He will also discuss the importance of always preparing for exit planning, provide tips for how to add real value to your business if you're still in growth mode, and building a financial foundation outside of the business.
    Speakers: Alan Rhode, Founder & CEO, Modern Wealth
    Greg Harth, President, Harth Builders
    10:45 - 11:00am

    General Session - Closing Remarks

    Speaker: Tony Mancini, Executive Vice President, SGC Horizon

Agenda subject to change.

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Professional Remodeler inspires and educates more than 85,000 businesses in the residential remodeling industry. These companies include design-build firms and home improvement professionals. Led by a team of expert editors and former remodelers, Pro Remodeler has earned numerous prestigious awards for editorial coverage.
